Классика Looking Glass

Автор dSpair, 28 октября 2004 00:53:40

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Вот, господа, Looking Glass известны не только Thief и System Shock. И даже не Terra Nova или там Ultima Underworld.
Советую зайти сюда: http://www.freylia.net/lgclassics/dl.html
Узнаете много нового про любимую фирму. Оказывается, LG занимались портированием Destruction Derby и Command & Conquer на Nintendo 64. А также там есть полноценная ПК-игра British Open Championship Golf. А также классика Wings Of Glory. И Car & Driver. Это еще времен, когда Уоррен был продюссером в Origin.
Вообще, меня всегда радовало "симуляторное" подразделение Looking Glass. Больше всего они запомнились по серии Flight Unlimited (PC Gamer до сих пор рекомендует FU 3 как классику гражданской авиасимуляции), но тот же Driver симпатичен. Особую ностальгию вызывает наличие множества знакомых имен в титрах. Кстати, Eric Brosious писал музыку и для Flight, и даже для порта C&C (!!!).
Сегодня весь день проигрался в Destruction Derby. Затягивает один только вид логотипа LGS на экране. Если захотите - не забудьте выкачать соответствующий эмулятор.
И да, соблюдайте правила, а то сайт закроют к чертовой прабабушке.  




Educational Feature: A History and Analysis of Level Design in 3D Computer Games (Part 2): http://gamasutra.com/features/20060428/shahrani_03.shtml
перевести бы.
ЦитироватьThe Dec 3, 1998 release of Thief: The Dark Project and the August 1999 release of System Shock 2, developed nearly simultaneously, marked the first implementations of the Dark engine. Thief was best described as a First Person Sneaker, where the object of the game was not to loudly blast through enemies, but instead to avoid detection while pilfering valuable or interesting objects. The storyline was involved and played out in animated cut scenes before and after each level, setting the stage for the action to come. The cut scenes were well done, but it was the gameplay that was novel, encouraging players to hide in the shadows and use a variety of arrows to ease their path. Thief featured truly dynamic lighting, with almost every light source able to be doused, a vital component of the gameplay. Thief is, at the very least, the spiritual ancestor of popular modern titles such as the Splinter Cell series from UbiSoft. Thief also illustrated that there was a market for titles played from a first person perspective other than violent slaughter-fests.
Thief also relied heavily on audio as an element of player involvement. In most previous titles, enemies were essentially silent unless they were attacking the player. In Thief, one of the best ways to determine the location of an enemy was by their footsteps. Further, players could use the sounds made by the NPC's to determine how aware or suspicious they were; casual whistling could indicate they were unaware of anything amiss, while yells for help would ensue should the player be spotted. Players could also use these aural capabilities to their advantage, throwing objects or using special noisemaker arrows to distract opponents. This use and recognition of audio as an important part of the immersive experience was a significant step forward, adding another vital element to level design; the placement and use of ambient audio. While ambient audio had been used in previous projects from Doom to Duke Nukem 3D and beyond, Thief was the first title to make audio a central element of the gameplay (Grossman 175-176).


Интервью с Randy Smith: Through the Looking Glass and Beyond: http://igo.ampednews.com/features/201/1/




Deep Cover, был такой проект от Looking Glass в свое время до закрытия в мае 2000.
Some of you may have heard of a Looking Glass project that was in development when the company closed in May 2000.  Deep Cover was slated to be one of the coolest games to leave the studio. It was a gritty 1960's cold war spy action-adventure that had the elegance of thief and the depth of system shock 2.
The following screenshots were taken from very early versions of the levels ... before any gameplay was implemented, and well before Looking Glass decided to switch from the Dark Engine to the Siege Engine.

Thief Ged

Да, посмотрел я фотографии офиса Looking Glass - жалко, что ТАКАЯ студия закрылась.


Всё же Dark Engine классный движок :up::yes:


Был бы еще круче, если бы исходники его зарелизили)


Посмотреть бы как выглядел Siege Engine. Было раньше здесь по Siege Engine Editor http://www.geocities.com/deusdarkus
Siege Engine - это продвинутый Dark Engine? Или когда (в своё время) Looking Glass разрабатывала движок для T3 назвали его Siege?
Разрабы выложили T2 Gold, может и исходники Deep Cover выложат? И может улучшенный редактор. Эх... :eeeh:


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DonSleza4e, я знаю страничка не открывается. Пишут, что раньше было. Я и говорю, посмотреть бы...
Кстати, шкаф с книжками такой же как в Воре:


clearing может ты все шоты выложишь? Чего по 1 мусолить


[бьется башкой в стену и воет]
Не успееееееел!!!111!!!!111
[Исправлено: Slade05, 23 янв. 2007 2:47]