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Автор clearing, 05 декабря 2010 19:56:36

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T2 FM Cataclysmic Revelations теперь для NewDark: http://www.thiefmissions.com/m/CataclysmicRevelations
Добавлена новая область и куча новых объектов.


Pereira's Mansion для NewDark: http://www58.zippyshare.com/v/87052247/file.html
- New gameplay
- New paintings
- Design architecture improvements
- New Ambient musics
- New ilumination
- other fixes


Autumn in Lampfire Hills - NewDark Re-release: http://darkfate.org/view/details/files/fan-missions/thief1/autumn_in_lampfire_hills
Автор AntiMatter_16, с разрешения Purah.
ЦитироватьFixed texture alignments, minor terrain brush fixes, sound propagation fixes (such as sounds passing through walls) by fixing and adding room brushes, and fixing incorrect physics dimensions of objects and their materials. In addition to these conservative changes, I added EAX Environmental Audio support, I fixed the map not displaying, I re-rendered the lighting in 32-bit, added colored lighting settings from Thief2 as well as many other little fixes here and there.



T2 FM New Dark Lady Lomat's Flute (было Lord Lomat's Flute): http://darkfate.org/view/details/files/fan-missions/thief2/lord_lomats_flute/LadyLomat'sFlute-v1.00.zip

ЦитироватьWhat's been updated...
I've done a lot of work throughout! Among lots of other things, I tweaked and added more lighting, tweaked the Guard AI characteristics, added lots more mise en scène, and re-worked the ambient audio environment, added more Letters and Books, added a small new area, and created an Intro Movie, made with illustrations and voice over by my talented friend Brendan Barnett!
Перевод от Soldi внутри.





TDM FM: St Alban's Cathedral версия 1.6 http://www.gamefront.com/files/20125044/Stac160_pk4
Цитировать# I have changed some of the Ai in the town, and added to the level of difficulty
# I have added more Ai in the cathedral
# On all difficulty levels the player starts with only the basic compliment of tools, but now includes lock picks and a map of the sewers!
# For the love of all that is holy, read the briefing otherwise you will have problems completing the mission you taffer!


A Thief's Holiday 2004 (version 3.0): http://darkfate.org/view/details/files/fan-missions/thief2/thiefs_holiday_2004/AThiefsHoliday2004_v3.zip

Цитировать•Updated to NewDark (32-bit lightmap)
•Updated scripts included in the ZIP to the latest
•Improved flames and victrola
•Opened up the interior a little bit



T2 FM: Citadel of Douro для NewDark
-New Gameplay
-New design changes
-New soundtrack


Mayar сделал апдейт трех своих миссий для первого вора:
A Dark Secret http://darkfate.org/view/details/files/fan-missions/thief1/dark_secret
ЦитироватьI had make Corretions of the Textures and some Objects changed
Also a little Architectur-Correstions
The Hideout http://darkfate.org/view/details/files/fan-missions/thief1/geheimversteck
Цитировать-Textur Corrections
-Architecture Corrections
-Some changes in the Level
Das Artefakt http://darkfate.org/view/details/files/fan-missions/thief1/artefakt
Цитировать- New Textures
- Corrections of Texture-Glitches
- Corrections & Updating of AI's
- Corrections of Architectures
- And some other little new Stuff


T2 FM: The Thief's Christmas eve (раньше La fete du voleur) теперь на английском, плюс пофиксены всякие баги: http://darkfate.org/view/details/files/fan-missions/thief2/la_fete_du_voleur


Апдейт Broken Heart для Thief 2 New Dark: http://darkfate.org/view/details/files/fan-missions/thief2/broken_heart

Цитировать-New gameplay/objectives change in difficult modes.
-added loot
-added two new musics
-fixed obejcts dimensions
-Changed some architecture structures/sizes that is supported by New Dark
-added clues
-Added more ammo