Widescreen patch

Автор clearing, 04 июня 2014 08:33:12

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Кто сможет потестить?

Цитата от massimilianogoi:

So, this is the patch I've created for the Editor. I am searching someone who wants to betatest it for me: http://digilander.libero.it/maxath/thief/Thief-Deadly%20Shadows%20Editor%2016-9%20Widescreen%20Patch%202.0_BETA.rar

If this patch works fine for the editor I can extend my work to any other version of this file.

The problem with the snobel's one was that the one for the editor crashed; this one is stable, instead.

Let me know.


Какие собственно изменения  вносит этот патч?


Если я правильно понял (судя по слову widescreen), теперь редактор в игровом режиме может работать в широкоэкранных разрешениях. Раньше вручную приходилось изменять пропорции экрана монитора при тестировании карты (или довольствоваться тем, что все приплюснутое).


Цитата: Savar от 04 июня 2014 23:34:05
Какие собственно изменения  вносит этот патч?

Hy, my Russian friends. First, I would like to say thank you for your interest.

I am planning to make a new patch because the snobel's one didn't work for the editor (it crashed). Dj Riff helped me in 2012, now I've had the time to take again those messages and work on it, so I have discovered why  the T3MainReleaseVersione.exe had troubles under Windows 8.1 (I mean the version used by the command 'Send to XBox', and the only one I know that has sound enabled, under the testing with the editor). Dj Riff suggested the change with C9 90 90 90 90 at a certain offset of the executable, but it still had problems on Windows 8.1 (it crashed on exit). So I've though to experiment randomly, and add a 90 instead of C9. It worked.... So now the patch is optimized for the most modern system (Windows 8.1/8/7).

Plus, the supported resolution are the ones used these times:

So the patch is updated to modern resolutions too.

If this editor patch works, I plan to make also the 16:10 patch for the editor, the ones for the baking map (Build->Play Level, who uses the T3Main.exe of the editor), the fan missions T3Main.exe and the original missions T3Main.exe, both for 16:9 and 16:10 in separated executables.

The difference between snobel's patch and mine is that the snobel's one requires installing a program on your pc, and we never know what there's behind, while mine will not require an installation, being the exe the same original ones, just changed in some offset.

PS=I'm still searching for someone who wants to make a good wooden sign of some shop for my TDS MOD.


Привет Massimilianogoi. Этот патч даёт увеличением ресурсов на карте?


No, it just gives the proper resolution to the 16:9 widescreen. Can you test it too? I need feedbacks, please


massimilianogoi, I've just tested your patch. It works fine in my 1680*1050 resolution (although it's not listed in your description). But there is no console, which is a bit frustrating.


Цитата: Chuzhoi от 24 июня 2014 05:56:04
massimilianogoi, I've just tested your patch. It works fine in my 1680*1050 resolution (although it's not listed in your description). But there is no console, which is a bit frustrating.

Chuzhoi, your resolution are not between the list of my modifications:


This means that the engine adapt itself in some way to the resolution of your screen, that is very positive.

I don't understand what you mean for 'console', anyway, I think these files could help (even though they are yet to finish, they fix the hud and all the user interface. Be sure to make a backup of your original files before):



Put them in the System folder of the editor.


Console is the grey window which appears when you press '~' and where you can type commands. I usually use it for the single command 'physics static on' which enables displaying collision models (in the screenshot). Also I usually type 'quit' to quit. If you know some other way to see collision models in the game mode please tell me.

I've tested your T3MainReleaseVersion.exe with your ini files with no luck. I think T3MainReleaseVersion.exe doesn't have the console at all.


I have never used this functionality, since I know that all the Static Meshes with 'Artist' physic mode have a boxed physic hull, and all the brushes are also physic hulls (aka NavMesh subtractions).

What is the name of the process with which you use the console?


Цитироватьall the Static Meshes with 'Artist' physic mode have a boxed physic hull
It's not entirely true. In the "Artist-Generated" mode, static meshes have custom collision hulls which can be created in 3ds Max via the script (CollisionMaker.ms) and then edited if necessary. Box collision hull appears in the "OBB" mode.

I usually make custom physics hulls for my models, so I need to test them and displaying them in the game mode is very helpful.

ЦитироватьWhat is the name of the process with which you use the console?
This is T3Main.exe, which is renamed T3MainOptVersion.exe (from the T3Ed distribution archive). It has greater size (8.47 Mb) than T3MainShippingVersion.exe and T3MainReleaseVersion.exe (6.15 Mb).


Цитата: Chuzhoi от 28 июня 2014 23:37:40
Цитироватьall the Static Meshes with 'Artist' physic mode have a boxed physic hull
It's not entirely true. In the "Artist-Generated" mode, static meshes have custom collision hulls which can be created in 3ds Max via the script (CollisionMaker.ms) and then edited if necessary. Box collision hull appears in the "OBB" mode.

I usually make custom physics hulls for my models, so I need to test them and displaying them in the game mode is very helpful.

Uh!!! Almost eight years spent to make static meshes, and I've never known about this!! Thank you very much, Chuzhoi!! Now I understand what were those red boxes I saw in 3DS Max when I converted the tim files to 3ds through the Shadowspawn's FreeTheObjects tools!! Your help is very appreciated! And I'm glad that there's another one making some new mission!

ЦитироватьWhat is the name of the process with which you use the console?
This is T3Main.exe, which is renamed T3MainOptVersion.exe (from the T3Ed distribution archive). It has greater size (8.47 Mb) than T3MainShippingVersion.exe and T3MainReleaseVersion.exe (6.15 Mb).

Pah! That's the point! You used the other exe. Usually, for testing, I use the Build->Send to XBox command using this batch command in the system file

T3MainReleaseVersion.exe Autoplay

because it's the only exe with which I can hear sound in the game.

In facts I could extend the patch to both the binaries, it's a matter of very, very few changes... Let me know if you are interested.


I don't make a mission, I only make static meshes for Savar. But I test every mesh in the editor, so if you patch T3MainOptVersion.exe it would be very helpful. Please make it. I'm interested.


well then, i'll add it too.


Here's your T3Main.exe:


Please tell me if it works. Cheers

update: the ini files are constantly updated again and again while I'm working, so please download them before testing the patch, in order to have a more perfectioned layout.