Конфигуратор тумана для TDS

Автор HellRaiser, 21 сентября 2014 12:32:42

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Цитата: HellRaiser от 27 сентября 2014 22:05:38
Thanks  for  your help :)

I've tried and it works properly (incredible!) I need some more time to test it better, of course, but now I do't see any problem...

Modifying original t3gamesys may cause the problems with redistributing. I want to make a little plugin for the game or different fan missions, which  can be installed later by copying some files in TDS or TDS-FM directory and modifying some *.int file (it is same as the mutator for UT, which stored in it's own package).
I know that you have been writing your own classes For TDS, can I ask you some questions about UE programming?

try now to delete some actors and tell me the result...


Цитата: massimilianogoi от 28 сентября 2014 04:31:01
try now to delete some actors and tell me the result...

OK. I've tried to remove MyActor from actor browser, which was added by batch command in MyT3gamesys package.
Yes, it was funny :)

At first, t3editor asked me to save t3mygamesys. Then it asked me again more and more.  But every next time when I opened t3ed I saw that MyActor class wasn't deleted yet.

After that I removed myActor again, saved MyT3gamsys and tried to export unsaved class and...
T3editor crashed.
But when I opened T3editor again I saw that MyActor doesn't exist anymore  :yay:

PS: Sorry, but i don't remember exactly all my actions.

Can I add my own actor in my own package without batch commands (only by means of T3editor)?
How to change these disgusting colors in script editor window?
What game events can I handle in myActor class? Where to find all game events list?

кому лень переводить:
В общих чертах: после плясок с бубном юзерский класс таки удаляется из самопального архива-пакаджа, правда при этом T3Editor матерится и падает ;D
Задаваемые вопросы уже были озвучены выше.
Может кто-то может рассказать про игровые события и их обработку Актором?- а то нашлось только что-то типа BeginPlaying.
И ещё один вопрос. Как я понимаю, свой актор не обязательно должен существовать в качестве объекта на карте, так?

правда перед выходом всё равно чёто просит сохранить, ну да ладно....


Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
But when I opened T3editor again I saw that MyActor doesn't exist anymore  :yay:

try now to open the editor then close it and tell me if it prompts you to save classes or if it closes properly.

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
Can I add my own actor in my own package without batch commands (only by means of T3editor)?

As far as I know (8 years experience and experiments) no, you can't.

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
How to change these disgusting colors in script editor window?

I don't know, I've never tried it. I know what you mean, the writings are almost invisible. I fear it's hardcoded, so the only possibility it's to change it in the exe, hence you could contact some skilled programmer and he/she could change it for you. I've already patched the exe of the game, you have to work with a hexadecimal editor and open the T3Ed.exe for your purposes. But to find the colors of that window a good debugger is required, and I don't even know where to start.

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
What game events can I handle in myActor class? Where to find all game events list?

Well, some Actors groups are hardcoding recognized by the editor, such as the AIPathPoint, or the KeyPoint, so I doubt you can get a working copy of them on your myActor group, but other things like windows, doors, even NPCs are the ones you can group of your myActor.

The only thing you can include in a package you want to distribute is the instructions to create the new actors. In a new compiled missions set, instead, you will have to include your T3Gamesys, there's no other way.

кому лень переводить:
В общих чертах: после плясок с бубном юзерский класс таки удаляется из самопального архива-пакаджа, правда при этом T3Editor матерится и падает ;D
Задаваемые вопросы уже были озвучены выше.
Может кто-то может рассказать про игровые события и их обработку Актором?- а то нашлось только что-то типа BeginPlaying.
И ещё один вопрос. Как я понимаю, свой актор не обязательно должен существовать в качестве объекта на карте, так?


Цитата: massimilianogoi от 03 октября 2014 11:18:44
Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
But when I opened T3editor again I saw that MyActor doesn't exist anymore  :yay:

try now to open the editor then close it and tell me if it prompts you to save classes or if it closes properly.

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
Can I add my own actor in my own package without batch commands (only by means of T3editor)?

As far as I know (8 years experience and experiments) no, you can't, unless you don't want to export your entire T3Gamesys...

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
How to change these disgusting colors in script editor window?

I don't know, I've never tried it. I know what you mean, the writings are almost invisible. I fear it's hardcoded, so the only possibility it's to change it in the exe, hence you could contact some skilled programmer and he/she could change it for you. I've already patched the exe of the game, you have to work with a hexadecimal editor and open the T3Ed.exe for your purposes. But to find the colors of that window a good debugger is required, and I don't even know where to start.

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
What game events can I handle in myActor class? Where to find all game events list?

Well, some Actors groups are hardcoding recognized by the editor, such as the AIPathPoint, or the KeyPoint, so I doubt you can get a working copy of them on your myActor group, but other things like windows, doors, even NPCs are the ones you can group of your myActor.

The only thing you can include in a package you want to distribute is the instructions to create the new actors. In a new compiled missions set, instead, you will have to include your T3Gamesys, there's no other way.

кому лень переводить:
В общих чертах: после плясок с бубном юзерский класс таки удаляется из самопального архива-пакаджа, правда при этом T3Editor матерится и падает ;D
Задаваемые вопросы уже были озвучены выше.
Может кто-то может рассказать про игровые события и их обработку Актором?- а то нашлось только что-то типа BeginPlaying.
И ещё один вопрос. Как я понимаю, свой актор не обязательно должен существовать в качестве объекта на карте, так?


Цитата: massimilianogoi от 03 октября 2014 11:19:54
Цитата: massimilianogoi от 03 октября 2014 11:18:44
Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
But when I opened T3editor again I saw that MyActor doesn't exist anymore  :yay:

try now to open the editor then close it and tell me if it prompts you to save classes or if it closes properly.

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
Can I add my own actor in my own package without batch commands (only by means of T3editor)?

As far as I know (8 years experience and experiments) no, you can't, unless you don't want to export your entire T3Gamesys...

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
How to change these disgusting colors in script editor window?

I don't know, I've never tried it. I know what you mean, the writings are almost invisible. I fear it's hardcoded, so the only possibility it's to change it in the exe, hence you could contact some skilled programmer and he/she could change it for you. I've already patched the exe of the game, you have to work with a hexadecimal editor and open the T3Ed.exe for your purposes. But to find the colors of that window a good debugger is required, and I don't even know where to start.

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
What game events can I handle in myActor class? Where to find all game events list?

Well, some Actors groups are hardcoding recognized by the editor, such as the AIPathPoint, or the KeyPoint, so I doubt you can get a working copy of them on your myActor group, but other things like windows, doors, even NPCs are the ones you can group of your myActor.

The only thing you can include in a package you want to distribute is the instructions to create the new actors. In a new compiled missions set, instead, you will have to include your T3Gamesys, there's no other way.


Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
But when I opened T3editor again I saw that MyActor doesn't exist anymore  :yay:

try now to open the editor then close it and tell me if it prompts you to save classes or if it closes properly.

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
Can I add my own actor in my own package without batch commands (only by means of T3editor)?

As far as I know (8 years experience and experiments) no, you can't, unless you don't want to export your entire T3Gamesys...

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
How to change these disgusting colors in script editor window?

I don't know, I've never tried it. I know what you mean, the writings are almost invisible. I fear it's hardcoded, so the only possibility it's to change it in the exe, hence you could contact some skilled programmer and he/she could change it for you. I've already patched the exe of the game, you have to work with a hexadecimal editor and open the T3Ed.exe for your purposes. But to find the colors of that window a good debugger is required, and I don't even know where to start.

Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 10:48:03
What game events can I handle in myActor class? Where to find all game events list?

Well, some Actors groups are hardcoding recognized by the editor, such as the AIPathPoint, or the KeyPoint, so I doubt you can get a working copy of them on your myActor group, but other things like windows, doors, even NPCs are the ones you can group of your myActor.

The only thing you can include in a package you want to distribute is the instructions to create the new actors. In a new compiled missions set, instead, you will have to include your T3Gamesys, there's no other way.


Цитата: massimilianogoi от 03 октября 2014 11:20:35
try now to open the editor then close it and tell me if it prompts you to save classes or if it closes properly.
Yes, it prompts...  :depress:


massimilianogoi There is no problem if we would remove the whole package from t3editor!
And... if I add a class to an existing package (without ascottk guide - simply by means of t3editor) and then want to remove it I have the same problem :confused:

Похоже проблемы, описанные выше решаются банальным удалением архива из Default.ini, а также думаю, что не стоит обращать на них внимания... :)

Итак, едем дальше. По той же ссылке с сайта г-на ascottk'a нашлась программулина, автоматически добавляющая классы в игру, с унаследованными параметрами и привязками... С исходниками!
в списке TODO & NOTES обнаружилось следующее:
NOTE - Adding triggerscripts: Set Class/ClassvisibleName=T3WaterVolume TriggerScripts (TS_4258,TS_4257)
    Thus index (0)= TS_4258 & (1)= TS_4257
NOTE - Adding/Changing properties to a level: Set Class/ClassvisibleName=LevelInfo bDistanceFog True
Возможно это то, (или близко к тому) что что нужно. Будем посмотреть :up:


Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 11:27:43
Цитата: massimilianogoi от 03 октября 2014 11:20:35
try now to open the editor then close it and tell me if it prompts you to save classes or if it closes properly.
Yes, it prompts...  :depress:

lol your T3Gamesys is fucked... I hope you have a backuped copy, not like as it happened to myself...


Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 15:31:30
massimilianogoi There is no problem if we would remove the whole package from t3editor!
And... if I add a class to an existing package (without ascottk guide - simply by means of t3editor) and then want to remove it I have the same problem :confused:

because you used the by now corrupted T3Gamesys...


Цитата: massimilianogoi от 03 октября 2014 15:38:40
because you used the by now corrupted T3Gamesys...
No. I have replaced all packages by original ones after my previous experiments.
Цитата: massimilianogoi от 03 октября 2014 15:37:37
lol your T3Gamesys is fucked... I hope you have a backuped copy, not like as it happened to myself...
Of course I always make a backup :)


Цитата: HellRaiser от 03 октября 2014 15:59:22
No. I have replaced all packages by original ones after my previous experiments.

So there should be no troubles.