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Thief: the Dark Fate => Новости => Тема начата: clearing от 27 июня 2011 11:03:03

Название: TDM FM: The Siege Shop
Отправлено: clearing от 27 июня 2011 11:03:03
Новая миссия для TDM The Siege Shop. Автор PranQster. Скачать (

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Готов перевод FM Greyfeather Gems - Part 1: The Shipment ( "Самоцветы  Грейфезера:  Отгрузка". SoulTear, спасибо за перевод.
Название: TDM FM: The Siege Shop
Отправлено: clearing от 10 октября 2013 22:06:59
The Siege Shop версия 3:
Большой апдейт:
•New areas, new entrance and exit

•More AI in different areas; changed AI behavior

•New sounds

•Simplified/fixed architecture

•Re-distributed loot (and much more of it)

•Better layout of rooms, especially the ground floor

•Better lighting

•Re-written readables

•Objectives modified and moved around

•Non-linear gameplay (you can do the mission 'backwards' now)

•Complete re-texturing and re-decorating

•Mostly new AI paths, some of which with previously-unseen AI behavior

•New eye candy

•Now is entertaining in 'notarget' mode

•Slightly less gore in the dungeon (changed the head to something else)

•Fewer bugs

•other stuff
Название: TDM FM: The Siege Shop
Отправлено: clearing от 21 января 2014 07:57:58
Версия от 20.01.2014 "Director's Cut":
ЦитироватьThis time I removed some of the eye candy from the outdoor scene. I'm sad to see it go, but glad to see the frame rate tripled in the outdoor area.
•Guard carrying torch was killing frame rate in the balloon area. Torch removed.

•Rain particles also removed and outdoor ambient sounds changed to non-rainfall sounds

•Animated grass removed and replaced with more subtle seed grass.

•Ambient sounds changed to zoned versions

•Torches on front wall replaced. Shadows disabled on the lights near the balloon.

•Torches added to upper cave area.

•Converted several patches from worldspawn to fs. & set noshadows on lots of things...both outside and in the workshop area.