Хаммериты и Механисты

Автор Nother Smith, 06 июля 2007 20:28:36

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DJ Riff

Hammer 1
hm1a1_1.wav Identify thyself, is someone there?
hm1a1_2.wav Halt, be someone there?
hm1a1_3.wav Hast someone come?
hm1a1_4.wav Stand forth and speak thyself if thou be there.
hm1a1_w1.wav Is something over dere?
hm1a1h_1.wav Hmmm, I thought I heard something.
hm1a1h_2.wav Did something make a noise?
hm1a1hw1.wav Didst thou hear something?
hm1a1hw2.wav Heard thou anything?
hm1a1hw3.wav Quietly....I..I hear something.
hm1a1v_1.wav Hmmmm, I thought I spied something.
hm1a1vw1.wav Saw thou something over there?
hm1a1vw2.wav Didst thou see someone over there?
hm1a1vw3.wav Didst thou see that too?
hm1a2_1.wav Who is that there, speak thyself?
hm1a2_2.wav Over there, stand forth and declare thy name.
hm1a2_3.wav Hold! What is that there?
hm1a2_4.wav By the builder show thyself!
hm1a2h_1.wav I hear thee, show thyself in the open at once.
hm1a2h_2.wav I heard that, stop right there.
hm1a2se1.wav Where art thou villain?
hm1a2se2.wav Never fear, I shall spy thee out.
hm1a2se3.wav Thou shalt not hide forever.
hm1a2se4.wav Hiding shall not save thee.
hm1a2v_1.wav I see thee there, who art thou?
hm1a3b_1.wav Halt! What foul deed is this?
hm1a3b_2.wav Whats this, a killer! You'll pay the builder now.
hm1a3na1.wav Halt! Thou art my prisoner.
hm1a3na2.wav Hold thy place.
hm1a3na3.wav Halt thief! I see thee thou shalt not escape.
hm1a3na4.wav Drop thy weapon...and do not move.
hm1a3s_1.wav By the builder, from whence came thee?
hm1a3s_2.wav From what shadow sprang thou, villain?
hm1a3s_3.wav By the builders hand!
hm1a3s_4.wav Back to thy cell, villain!
hm1a3se1.wav I shall spy thee ere long, thief.
hm1a3se2.wav Thou shalt not escape me.
hm1a3se3.wav Cease thy hiding, kraven.
hm1a3se4.wav Thou canst not stay in shadows forever.
hm1alma1.wav Let the builders metal, ring thy doom.
hm1alma2.wav Speak alarm, and summon thy charges.
hm1almw1.wav Go thou and sound the alarm.
hm1amb_1.wav Thou most foul cowardess.
hm1amb_2.wav Stand and face me villain.
hm1amb_3.wav Come out of thy shadows and face my steel.
hm1amb_4.wav Thy treachery dooms thee.
hm1ambw1.wav Stand with me brother for I am hit.
hm1ambw2.wav I...am...attacked!
hm1ambw3.wav Canst thou see who did that?
hm1atl_1.wav Builder, grant me strength.
hm1atl_2.wav Builder, help my blow.
hm1atn_1.wav Lay thyself on my anvil, thief.
hm1atn_2.wav Thy choit shall be split ere thou leave here.
hm1atn_3.wav Ha.
hm1atn_4.wav Aha.
hm1atn_6.wav Crumble before the builders might!
hm1atn_7.wav Thy blood shall spill now.
hm1atn_8.wav Receive thy pounding.
hm1atn_9.wav Feel the spike of thy sin.
hm1atp_1.wav The builders hand strikes thee down at my call.
hm1atp_2.wav I send thee thy destruction.
hm1atp_3.wav Builder, smite this villain!
hm1atw_1.wav The builder's hand soon grants me victory.
hm1atw_2.wav Thou art failing now.
hm1atww1.wav One stroke more my brother.
hm1bak_1.wav Hmmmm, tis nothing there now.
hm1bak_2.wav All seems peaceful now.
hm1bak_3.wav There it seems nothing now.
hm1bak_4.wav It was only rats, in truth.
hm1bak_5.wav Well, I see nothing now.
hm1bak_6.wav Twas just the wind, then.
hm1bak_7.wav Hmmm, the noise has stopped....it was no doubt nothing.
hm1bak_8.wav Hmmm, I do wonder what it was, but it seems gone now.
hm1bkd_1.wav Thou art lucky this time!
hm1bkd_2.wav Thou cannot hold forever.
hm1bkd_3.wav If not this stroke, then the next shall claim thee.
hm1bkdw1.wav Cantst thou get by his guard?
hm1blk_1.wav Thy blows are water.
hm1blk_2.wav Think not thou canst harm me.
hm1blk_3.wav Thou cannot prevail.
hm1blkw1.wav The villain is slow, haha.
hm1bod_1.wav Awake, murder, assassin.
hm1bod_2.wav On the faithful spoke, same low with the sceptre of rightousness
has justice been forged.
hm1bod_3.wav By the builder, TO ME! One of ours has been broken, his life
poured out!
hm1c0311.wav Tis noted to us, the felandia and heretics will crumble as old wood.
hm1c0312.wav Thieves respect noted, divinity even false divinity is as the mud
below their feet, they wish not it be clay but shall be shaped by
the builders hand.
hm1c0313.wav May our walls be cut from the thickest stones, our gates be wrought
from full iron, any who pits his strength against their strength
shall smash himself with his own effort, even as the fruit falling
from a tree dashes itself on a rock below.
hm1c0314.wav The builder places thy challenges before thee, as a stairway of hewn
stone up the tower of thine life, when thou seekest to add to those
challenges, to compass thine pride, thou dost clutter the design of
the stairway, and introduce cracks and weaknesses, through which
the Trickster mayst enter and bring thy ruin.
hm1c0315.wav See that thou dost.
hm1c0321.wav Rather to buttress our defenses.
hm1c0322.wav Nay tis not they who chart the building of the battle, they but put
in force the will of the baron, and the baron chooseth not to press
the attack.
hm1c0323.wav A lackwit, thinks thou the baron wishes to defeat Blackbrook?
hm1c0324.wav I'll thank ye..The war grants the baron a crisis to pasture before
and gains him many taxes he wouldst not otherwise see.
hm1c0325.wav Dah infant, tis truth, and ever so, the chisel cannot know the will
of the hand it serves, nor should it judge whether the mark it
makes be for well or ill. Tis enough for a tool to be sharp and
well crafted. Only so, canst it serve the builder.
hm1c0331.wav Wilt this famine never break? The stone market merchants ask yet
another fifth above what they charged but a month ago, yet I think
they profit little from their sales.
hm1c0332.wav I would have said myself, twas due to the war between Cyric and
Baan, the lines of battle to range over and past what were, times
ago, farms and ranches.
hm1c0333.wav Thine arguments are persuasive and do show dedication, but I think
thou may simplify over much.
hm1c0351.wav Have thou learnt nothing? That name soils thy mouth.
hm1c0352.wav Nay simpleton. Knowst thou not to say taffer is to speak the name
of the defeated adversary, the trickster? Tis a corruption, a
cloaking that acknowledges him without intent and gives him an
entry into thy thoughts.
hm1c0353.wav A foe is best contested in the light, not the shadows. Allow none
to so disguise themselves before thee, lest thou slip into the
shadows thyself, and so be lost.
hm1c0601.wav In truth I have never heard such carrying on as this thiefs
pawn Cutty.
hm1c0603.wav For a time I thought block form I'd never sleep again for his
coughs, but he quiets now.
hm1c0701.wav *cough, cough* Curse upon this dust.
hm1c0703.wav Aye, they thought stone dust would settle faster than wood, but
many feet cast it up.
hm1c0705.wav Tis true, and till then misfortunes on mira for our blessings.
hm1c0801.wav Hast thought upon who is likely to succeed our master.
hm1c0803.wav Art thou blind? He's old and the master forgers do just for each
other for precedence.
hm1c0805.wav Tis true, tis true.
hm1c0902.wav Meanest thou the action on duwall's thugs?
hm1c0904.wav Thieves betray their own, now as always.
hm1c1002.wav A wretched man serves only the merchants and his own greed.
hm1c1004.wav The builders truth it is, that men without belief do soften and
fail as rotten wood.
hm1c1301.wav Heard thou, Terias, seeking to save his purse, didst buy his new
knife from the sheminovs, not our smiths.
hm1c1303.wav He certainly had'st fill of shame when his blade did snap at supper.
hm1c1401.wav Time was, all these halls would be close packed with novices,
striving to learn our teachings.
hm1c1403.wav But fewer brother, fewer, youths in this time seek to learn about
gold and politics, not honest craft.
hm1c1601.wav Master forger Dovetail hath finished his work on the spiral gear.
hm1c1603.wav As planned, this shall bring a new standard to the winding machines.
hm1c1701.wav Builder, walk with thee.
hm1c1801.wav Good even'.
hm1c1902.wav Aye, praise the builder.
hm1c2302.wav Well met.
hm1c2402.wav Thine is well.
hm1c2501.wav Be thy carving ready?
hm1chga2.wav Thou art for it now!!
hm1chga3.wav My hammer awaits thee!!
hm1chgw1.wav Guard mine back!!
hm1chgw2.wav Stand with me against our foe, and we shall surely prevail!
hm1chgw3.wav Lend thy strong arm to mine!
hm1det_1.wav Art thou afraid then?
hm1det_2.wav Coward!
hm1det_3.wav Seek not to block thy doom.
hm1detw1.wav We can wait...villain.
hm1hit_1.wav Thy blood makes the builders' mortar.
hm1hit_2.wav Feel thy strength draining.
hm1hit_3.wav Thy pain teaches you thy lesson.
hm1hit_4.wav Feel thy resolve crumble.
hm1hitw1.wav The villain staggers.
hm1hitw2.wav Let thy stroke echo mine...brother.
hm1hlo_1.wav Yaaeee, the builder help me.
hm1hlow1.wav Guard me brother...
hm1hnd_1.wav That mistake shall cost thee thy life.
hm1hnd_2.wav No, for the builders grace doth armor me.
hm1hnd_3.wav Meant thou thus to pay me?
hm1lar_1.wav What cataclysm has struck here?
hm1lar_2.wav What doom is aborning here?
hm1los_1.wav Curse mine failing eyes, where went the intruder?
hm1los_2.wav Where went he?
hm1los_3.wav Thou shalt not escape me for long thief.
hm1m1001.wav What art thou doing, say who art thou, wait a minute, a spy, an
hm1m1002.wav Young novice, dost thou not have some work to which thou might
hm1m1003.wav The rules do not permit novices in the barracks as thou should
well know, be off.
hm1m1004.wav Novice, I find need of thy services, please, fetch the
candlestick left in the dining room, as quick as thou canst make it.
hm1m1005.wav Ahh, novice, just leave the candlestick on the floor by the altar,
there's a good lad.
hm1m1006.wav What emergency threatens that thou makest such speeds, slow down novice.
hm1m1007.wav Greetings novice.
hm1m1008.wav Builders strength to you novice.
hm1m1009.wav Open the gate.
hm1m1010.wav Present thy credentials, novice.
hm1m1011.wav What dost thou hear novice, wait, ahhh, hold there villain.
hm1m1301.wav Ahh, tis thee, the master thief, there is scant time to explain,
the tricksters foul beasts have captured our high priest and if we
cannot retake him alive, all shall be lost. We dare not try rescue.
We lack thy skills of stealth and treachery and our enemies must
surely kill him shoud we make a bold attempt. Bring him back to us
alive, and we may discuss how the trickster himself can be defeated.
He is held somewhere in the caverns and halls beyond that archway.
May the builder guide your steps.
hm1m1302.wav Waste no more time, bring the high priest back to us.
hm1m1303.wav Wait, thou art going the wrong way.
hm1m1304.wav Thank the builder, the high priest still lives.
hm1m1305.wav Ahh, tis thee, the master thief, there is scant time to explain.
hm1m1306.wav The tricksters foul beasts have captured our high priest and if we
cannot retake him alive, all shall be lost.
hm1m1307.wav We lack thy skills of stealth and treachery and our enemies must
surely kill him shoud we make a bold attempt.
hm1m1308.wav Take this key and map and go. May the builder guide your steps.
hm1m1309.wav Also, our enemies hold the builders chisel, which thou must recover.
hm1m1310.wav Thou hast rescued our high priest, but thou has not brought us the
chisel. Recover our most holy of artifacts, or we are lost.
hm1m1311.wav Thank thee for not killing this one.
hm1m1312.wav Thy recover of the chisel is provident, but we must have our high
hm1m1313.wav Thank the builder, not only has thou returned his chisel to us, but
the high priest still lives by thy efforts.
hm1mis_1.wav Someone has been plundering, that not his own.
hm1mis_2.wav Thief, looter!
Hm1rbod1.wav The intruder is a killer as well, watch your back!
hm1rbod2.wav There is a killer on the loose, there has been one death already!!!
hm1rint1.wav There is an armed thief in the building. Fall upon him shouldst
thou spy him.
hm1rint2.wav I spied one who maybe a scaped prisoner, be wary.
hm1rint3.wav Were thou a prowler amongst the builders children.
hm1rmis1.wav Tell the master forger, he's been robbed.
hm1roth1.wav Someone has been in here, and lawlessly, keep your eyes open.
hm1roth2.wav Hast thou noted anything? There was something a little while ago.
hm1roth3.wav I suspect there is someone in the building, keep alert.
hm1runa1.wav To me mine brothers, an intruder doth threaten!!!!
hm1runa2.wav Take arms, come hither!
hm1runa3.wav Our guard is tested, to me!!
hm1sec_1.wav Who has been through here?
hm1sec_2.wav An intruder comes among us.
hm1sec_3.wav 'Ware, an intruder!
hm1sma_1.wav Who hast been sundering about here?
hm1sma_2.wav This disarray speaks ill.
hm1telc1.wav To me, after him!
hm1telc2.wav This way, the intruder is escaping.
hm1telc3.wav The intruder is here!
hm1telr1.wav We have an intruder, hurry, to me.
hm1telr2.wav An intruder comes among us.
hm1telr3.wav Where thee this villain?
[Исправлено: DJ Riff, 15 июля 2007 22:51]
Добавлено позже
Hammer 2
Filename Description
hm2a0ch1.wav And the builder said, if the foundation is weak, do you wail and
gnash your teeth? Do you ask it to repour itself? Nay, you tear
it down and begin anew. So shall it be with all my children,
whether they be stone or flesh..
hm2a0ch2.wav And the faithful spoke saying lo, with the scepter of
righteousness, has justice been formed. If thou wilt harken to
the designs the builder has made and keep his statutes, thou wilt
share in his triumphs.
hm2a0ch3.wav Vigilence is our shield, that protects us from the squalid past,
knowledge is our weapon with which we carve a path to an
enlightened future.
hm2a1_1.wav Yay, who comes unto me?
hm2a1_2.wav Who passes there?
hm2a1_3.wav Is that thee?
hm2a1_4.wav What is that? Who goes?
hm2a1_w1.wav Was something there?
hm2a1h_1.wav What was that I heard?
hm2a1h_2.wav Who made that noise?
hm2a1hw1.wav Something made a noise, listen.
hm2a1hw2.wav Didst thou hear that too? I think there is someone.
hm2a1hw3.wav Didst thou hear something? What was that?
hm2a1v_1.wav Do my eyes show me the right?
hm2a1vw1.wav What was that? Didst thou see it?
hm2a1vw2.wav Over there. Didst thou see anything?
hm2a1vw3.wav I think I saw something over there.
hm2a2_1.wav At thee.....No wait, who is that?
hm2a2_2.wav Thinkst thou to make mock of me? Show thyself.
hm2a2_3.wav Who goes there? Halt and show thy face.
hm2a2_4.wav What is going on over there?
hm2a2h_1.wav I heard that. Show thyself or face the consequences.
hm2a2h_2.wav Who goes there? Who made that noise?
hm2a2se1.wav The builder shalt spy thee if I cannot.
hm2a2se2.wav Thy trickery shall not last.
hm2a2se3.wav Thy shadow shall not cloak me forever.
hm2a2se4.wav Come out again, whoever thou be.
hm2a2v_1.wav I see thee there. Who art thou?
hm2a3b_1.wav What has thee done? Murder, Murder!
hm2a3b_2.wav You've killed a brother. Murderer!
hm2a3na1.wav Thou shalt regret having troubled me.
hm2a3na2.wav Think not that thou shalt vanish now. I see thee there.
hm2a3na3.wav Come closer, and thou shalt feel my edge.
hm2a3s_1.wav Stop! Who art thou?
hm2a3s_2.wav Ha! Where camest thou?
hm2a3s_3.wav Halt! Thou art not granted this place.
hm2a3se1.wav I shall find thee and crush thee.
hm2a3se2.wav Cease thy games and face me.
hm2a3se3.wav Thou shalt not hide forever.
hm2a3se4.wav The builder shall guide me to thee.
hm2alma1.wav Send up the alarm.
hm2alma2.wav Cry villain, cry escape, let the alarm sound.
hm2alma3.wav Cry thief, cry villain, let the alarm sound.
hm2almw1.wav Take thyself to the alarm. I hold the line.
hm2amb_1.wav Come from the shadows and face my wrath.
hm2amb_2.wav Coward. Bring thyself out.
hm2amb_3.wav Art thou feared to face me man to man?
hm2amb_4.wav Step from thy hiding place villain.
hm2ambw1.wav I'm wounded, seize thou the man.
hm2ambw2.wav Help me, I'm beset.
hm2ambw3.wav You hear an archer in the shadows.
hm2atl_1.wav Builder, guide my hand.
hm2atl_2.wav Builder, aid thy servant.
hm2atn_1.wav Thy trail of sin ends here thief.
hm2atn_2.wav The hammer of righteousness shall fall heavily upon thee.
hm2atn_6.wav Thy sin has brought thy death.
hm2atn_7.wav I build thy retribution.
hm2atn_8.wav Was thy life worth this thief?
hm2atn_9.wav Thy fate is written in the book.
hm2atp_1.wav See thy doom approach.
hm2atp_2.wav Thou shalt not escape the builders hammer.
hm2atp_3.wav Fly swift and true.
hm2atw_1.wav Thy death is at hand now.
hm2atw_2.wav Thy doom falls upon thee.
hm2atww1.wav Swing with me and end this villains life.
hm2bak_1.wav Here's the builders peace now.
hm2bak_2.wav Needs must I calm my nerves.
hm2bak_3.wav All is at rest now, twas nothing.
hm2bak_4.wav Hmmmm, I would not have thought that rats would dare their teeth
against the builders house.
hm2bak_5.wav A plague on these rats.
hm2bak_6.wav Nothing to see now I fear.
hm2bkd_1.wav Thou shalt bleed yet villain.
hm2bkd_2.wav That shall not save you long.
hm2bkd_3.wav Shalt thou flee next?
hm2bkdw1.wav The villain is quick, but we shall prevail.
hm2blk_1.wav Thou art too slow.
hm2blk_2.wav Thy arms cannot reach me.
hm2blkw1.wav Heh, his blows are weak brother.
hm2bod_1.wav You shall be avenged.
hm2bod_2.wav Call down the wrath of the builder on thee who has done this.
hm2bod_3.wav A body. A murder. The steel of vengeance is unsheathed and awake.
hm2c0702.wav Tis been this way since the renovation.
hm2c0704.wav Come the rains, twill pass.
hm2c0901.wav Even the baron doth finally act against evil, when ported with
enough vigor. **Not sure**
hm2c0903.wav Verily, someone told me it was his own brethern who in sin didst
turn him in.
hm2c1101.wav Yet another sewer overflowth I heard yesterday.
hm2c1103.wav Thinkest thou that we should take their burdern? There is not
strange in pump or gear to us. **Not sure**
hm2c1202.wav Our strength and resolve, tis not what it once was.
hm2c1302.wav How darest he? Hath he no shame?
hm2c1304.wav Hah, the sheminov are shabby craftsmen, and tearing us is well
learnt on it. **Not sure**
hm2c1501.wav Golan hath told me, that his new apprentice had released the cap up
on the steam dryer and scalded himself.
hm2c1503.wav Golan sayeth the boy shall live, but may leave the order.
hm2c1702.wav Envy.
hm2c1802.wav Good e'ven.
hm2c1902.wav Praise the builder.
hm2c2001.wav May thy hammer swing true.
hm2c2101.wav Hail brother.
hm2c2202.wav My thanks brother.
hm2chga1.wav Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
hm2chga2.wav Twas your last warning.
hm2chga3.wav Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.
hm2chgw1.wav Bringst thou thy hammer of righteousness against this intruder.
hm2chgw2.wav Strike with me my brother.
hm2chgw3.wav Swing brother, swing!
hm2det_1.wav Be thou afeared villain?
hm2det_2.wav Thou dost only prolong thy fate.
hm2det_3.wav Thy attempt shall avail you not.
hm2detw1.wav The villain dost take to defense.
hm2hit_1.wav Heh one nail more in thy coffin.
hm2hit_2.wav Give in to thy pain.
hm2hit_3.wav Thy blood spills ere stronger.
hm2hit_4.wav Let that show thee.
hm2hitw1.wav Strike thee the foe is well.
hm2hitw2.wav He cannot stand against us.
hm2hlo_1.wav Owwwww builder guard me.
hm2hlow1.wav Builder, help us.
hm2hnd_1.wav Thy arm must be stronger te attack me.
hm2hnd_2.wav Thinkest thou that harmed me?
hm2hnd_3.wav My armor is proof against the likes of thee.
hm2lar_1.wav The builder curse whoever called down this destruction.
hm2lar_2.wav A broken beam may be reforged, but the twisted soul must be uprooted.
hm2los_1.wav Step back where I can mark thee villain.
hm2los_2.wav Where did he hide?
hm2los_3.wav Thou shalt not hide forever.
hm2m1001.wav Who art thou? Thou art no novice. ALARM, INTRUDER!
hm2m1002.wav Dost thou not have some work to do novice?
hm2m1003.wav Novices are not permitted here brother. Best that thou depart before
the master forgers take note.
hm2m1004.wav Novice, wilt thou do an errand for me? Your brother carried a silver
candlestick from the altar here to the dining room and I suspect
forgot it there. Please make haste and bring it to me.
hm2m1005.wav Ahh, my thanks novice, thou mayest leave it on the floor by the altar
so I may consecrate it again.
hm2m1006.wav Thy speed is unseemly novice, set thy heels at a more dignified pace.
hm2m1007.wav Good day novice.
hm2m1008.wav Builder grant thee his wisdom youngster.
hm2m1009.wav Raise the gate!
hm2m1010.wav Present thy credentials lad.
hm2m1011.wav Thou are not permitted to...wait, thou art an imposter. Sound the
hm2mis_1.wav Ye shall not rob from the house of the builder.
hm2mis_2.wav The land of the heathens shall consume he who has stolen.
hm2rbod1.wav Raise your steel in bloody vengeance my brother, the thief has slain.
hm2rbod2.wav Ready your arm for bloody vengeance, a killer stalks these halls.
hm2rint1.wav There is an intruder among us, let him not pass by thee.
hm2rint2.wav Some miscreant has been through here, keep alert.
hm2rint3.wav Did the thief come by this way, be thou careful, for he bears weapons.
hm2rmis2.wav Watch for a thief, he'll profit in little enough in the end.
hm2roth1.wav Stay awake, I worry that there is something going on.
hm2roth2.wav Careful, watch for anything out of the ordinary.
hm2roth3.wav Wake up you laggart, I saw something strange a little while ago,
keep watch.
hm2runa1.wav Bring thine arms to my aid.
hm2runa2.wav Comest thou to me, I'm beset.
hm2runa3.wav Mine brothers, come strengthen thy beleagured comrade.
hm2sec_1.wav Our sanctum is violate.
hm2sec_2.wav Tis one among us who should not be.
hm2sec_3.wav Watch for an intruder.
hm2sma_1.wav Something here speaks warnings.
hm2sma_2.wav What? Has someone been about here?
hm2telc1.wav The thief is at hand. Do not let him escape.
hm2telc2.wav I see him..this way.
hm2telc3.wav Help me pay this sinner his wages.
hm2telr1.wav Lend thy strength to mine, to catch this man.
hm2telr2.wav Thief, thief, after him.
hm2telr3.wav A prisoner escapes us....this way.
hm2telr4.wav An intruder, fall thee upon him.
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Hammer 3
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hm3a0ch1.wav Tho for the hand of the builder dost still shape man and the world
thru our actions, they are legion do not believe and wouldst tear
down thy work.
hm3a0ch2.wav Know then to beware in combat these breakers to armor thyself
against their blandishments and to strike thru their lies and
hm3a0ch3.wav Because so many now build without consideration for the master
builder, his mark is no longer upon the life of the city and the
taint of the trickster will always seek entrance.
hm3a0mu1.wav This is NOT the way this place should be run.
hm3a0mu2.wav I can't take this anymore, this is absolutely ridiculous, every
time I turn around there's incompetence, incompetence in every act
that I see performed except by myself, well I can't do it all by
hm3a0mu3.wav I will have to be a little bit more.. strict with my orders so that
they're clear and people can carry them out with some kind of
hm3a0mu4.wav I don't feel that this is the way anything should be run around
here, I have to have order.
hm3a0mu5.wav I have to take things in my own way and I have to do them as best
I can without any help or depending on anyone for any kind of input.
hm3a1_1.wav Hello? Show thyself.
hm3a1_2.wav Hello? Who art thou?
hm3a1_3.wav If thou be there, bespeak thyself.
hm3a1_4.wav Who is there? Is someone there?
hm3a1_w1.wav Notice thou anything there?
hm3a1h_1.wav Who goes there? Who said that?
hm3a1hw1.wav Shhh, canst thou hear that?
hm3a1hw2.wav Move more quietly, I think I heard something.
hm3a1hw3.wav Didst thou hear a noise?
hm3a1v_1.wav Something move thought I saw.
hm3a1vw1.wav Dost thou see that..overthere?
hm3a1vw2.wav Look over there, dost thou see something?
hm3a1vw3.wav Over there, I think something moved.
hm3a2_1.wav Halt! Show thyself at once.
hm3a2_2.wav Who art thou there, in the shadow?
hm3a2_3.wav Who goes there? Speak!
hm3a2_4.wav Is someone there? Who art thou?
hm3a2h_1.wav Who is there? I hear thee there.
hm3a2se1.wav Where art thou villain?
hm3a2se2.wav Where hast thou gone?
hm3a2se3.wav I shall still find thee, never fear.
hm3a2se4.wav Thy hiding place cannot last.
hm3a2v_1.wav I see thee there. Who art thou?
hm3a3b_1.wav What evil is this? Halt! Murderer.
hm3a3b_2.wav Killer hold thy place.
hm3a3na1.wav Thou shalt regret thine intrusions.
hm3a3na2.wav Intruder! Beware an intruder!
hm3a3s_1.wav Aye, hold there.
hm3a3s_2.wav Whence came thee here...hold.
hm3a3s_3.wav Intruder! Who art thou?
hm3a3se1.wav Do not think thou shalt escape me.
hm3a3se2.wav I shall find thee villain.
hm3a3se3.wav Come forth and fight me villain.
hm3a3se4.wav Cease thy hiding and die like a man!
hm3alma1.wav Ring the alarm, sound a call to arms.
hm3alma2.wav Thief, let the alarm speak thy fate.
hm3almw1.wav Ring the alarm 'gainst this villain.
hm3amb_1.wav Who tries this treachery?
hm3amb_2.wav Leave thy shadows thief and face me.
hm3amb_3.wav Thy shadow shall not cloak thy villainy for long.
hm3amb_4.wav Thou art a villain, to strike with such cowardice.
hm3ambw1.wav Treachery! I am hit!
hm3ambw2.wav Brother I am wounded!
hm3ambw3.wav Seek an assassin in the shadows my brother.
hm3atl_1.wav Builder follow this blow.
hm3atl_2.wav Builder, smite this villain.
hm3atl_3.wav Ahhh
hm3atn_1.wav Face thy cleaving in two..argh
hm3atn_2.wav Prepare to justify thy sorry existence to thy builder.
hm3atn_3.wav Eeeyah
hm3atn_6.wav Thou art the nail!
hm3atn_7.wav Thou art a flawed creation.
hm3atn_8.wav That breath was your last thief.
hm3atp_1.wav Builder, I call thy wrath.
hm3atp_2.wav Fall to my power villain.
hm3atp_3.wav Strike him my hammer.
hm3atw_1.wav Thy defeat comes swiftly.
hm3atw_2.wav I see the fear in thine eyes.
hm3atww1.wav Pound this nail with me my brother.
hm3bak_1.wav It seems quiet enough now....tis well.
hm3bak_2.wav All is quiet now.
hm3bak_3.wav All is silence now.
hm3bak_4.wav All is well now, twas but the wind on the torches.
hm3bak_5.wav Hmmm, no one walks here now.
hm3bak_6.wav Hmmm, I know not what it was.
hm3bak_7.wav My imagination does run overmuch.
hm3bkd_1.wav Think not thou will hold me off.
hm3bkd_2.wav Thy arm is strong but it will fail thee ere long.
hm3bkd_3.wav Next time mine hammer shall smash thee.
hm3bkdw1.wav Let him not block thee as well.
hm3blk_1.wav Thou canst never prevail.
hm3blk_2.wav See, all thy strength avails thee.
hm3blk_3.wav I am armored in righteousness against thee.
hm3blkw1.wav We stand fast against him.
hm3bod_1.wav What? Murder? Struck down and broken?
hm3bod_2.wav Let the blood he has shed be repaid in tenfold.
hm3bod_3.wav Cry vengeance, and let fall the godly hammer.
hm3c0602.wav One would think these scum had never faced tribulation in their lives.
hm3c0604.wav Good. Death or doriance twill be the same for him in the end.
**Not sure**
hm3c0802.wav Surely not for many years.
hm3c0804.wav I spy not on my betters tis in the builders hands.
hm3c1001.wav Some do say the baron means to raise the tariffs again, even on
greens and meat.
hm3c1003.wav His grandfather cared less for his pocketed gold and more for his
souls health, but no longer.
hm3c1102.wav The peasants who run the pumps have not the learning to understand
hm3c1104.wav And toil in the slime, thou carest little about thy brothers.
hm3c1201.wav Time was, the sinners we take wouldst have no..second chances, they
were dispatched forthwith to explain their misdeeds to their builder.
hm3c1203.wav And see what our weakness hath gained us, crime and sin, reached to
the very heights of the city.
hm3c1402.wav There are novices still.
hm3c1404.wav Twill be there loss, when they come of age and know not how to
accomplish art of consequence.
hm3c1502.wav Foolishness, proves it's own punishment, but steam burns are a harsh
punishment indeed.
hm3c1504.wav Even more foolishness, fear never shows the true path, only the
down slope to corruption.
hm3c1602.wav Truly, that is news, the constant with teeth, they mesh properly.
hm3c2002.wav And thy hand be steady.
hm3c2102.wav Hail and bless his works.
hm3c2201.wav Builders grace to thee.
hm3c2301.wav Greetings.
hm3c2401.wav Builder guide thy hand.
hm3c2502.wav No, not yet.
hm3chga2.wav Face me coward.
hm3chga3.wav I'll flatten thee.
hm3chgw1.wav Take the one side, I'll take the other.
hm3chgw2.wav Flatten this villain with me.
hm3chgw3.wav Thy strength with mine shall bring this foe down.
hm3det_1.wav Fear now thy fate?
hm3det_2.wav Thy defense shall not last forever.
hm3det_3.wav Thou cannot block the builder's vengeance.
hm3detw1.wav The sinner hopes to block our wrath.
hm3hit_1.wav Stagger and fall....villain.
hm3hit_2.wav Thy death gapes for thee.
hm3hit_3.wav Art thou sorry yet?
hm3hit_4.wav Accept thy defeat.
hm3hitw1.wav We have the villain now.
hm3hitw2.wav Strike, strike brother.
hm3hlo_1.wav Haaa builder, aid thy servant.
hm3hlow1.wav Ahhhh, I crumble brother.
hm3hnd_1.wav Try again villain, perhaps thou'll touch me.
hm3hnd_2.wav Was that thy best blow?
hm3hnd_3.wav Thy weapons are nothing to me.
hm3lar_1.wav To arms 'gainst the wreaker of havoc.
hm3lar_2.wav Twill take clean steel to set this aright.
hm3los_1.wav I shall find thee again villain.
hm3los_2.wav The builders walls shall not shelter thee long from righteous wrath.
hm3los_3.wav Thou hast slipped me but not forever.
hm3m1001.wav What thou doing? Hold a minute. Ahhhhh a spy. Sound the alarm.
hm3m1002.wav Novice thou art idle, hast thou nothing to do?
hm3m1003.wav Thou should not be in the barracks brother, remember that novices
are not permitted.
hm3m1004.wav Ahh, a fortunate arrival. The candlestick from the altar hath been
mislaid in the dining room. Please fetch it for me with all haste.
hm3m1005.wav Thank thee for thy pains, leave the candlestick on the floor by the
hm3m1006.wav Cease thy running at once. Thou makes mock of the builders peace.
hm3m1007.wav Hello lad.
hm3m1008.wav Good day to thee.
hm3m1009.wav Raise up the gate.
hm3m1010.wav Hast thou credentials for me novice?
hm3m1011.wav Hold novice, let me see that...wait, thou art no true novice, thou
shalt suffer for thy trespass.
hm3mis_1.wav Where hast that gone to?
hm3rbod1.wav I have found one of us slain, let your wrath fall unmercifully.
hm3rint1.wav Keep thine eyes alert, I saw an intruder some moments back.
hm3rmis1.wav Beware, we have been robbed.
hm3roth1.wav Be on guard, I think there was something odd awhile back.
hm3roth2.wav Watch out, something odd has passed back there.
hm3roth3.wav Keep silent as possible, there are noises in the night that the
builder did not intend.
hm3runa1.wav Lend thy strength to buttress me mine comrades.
hm3runa2.wav To me 'gainst this threat!!
hm3runa3.wav Bring thyself hither, this way.
hm3sec_1.wav Thy moments are numbered lawbreaker, for I am on thy trail.
hm3sec_2.wav Seek a stranger in our number.
hm3sec_3.wav The strength of an intruder is as water against our stone.
hm3sma_1.wav This is not aright.
hm3sma_2.wav I mislike this, something is afoot.
hm3telc1.wav Seize him!
hm3telc2.wav To me, stop him from further desecration.
hm3telc3.wav Over here, be thou cautious, he is armed.
hm3telr1.wav A thief is among us, to me, to me!
hm3telr2.wav Where thee to this intruder?
hm3telr3.wav The snake shows himself.
Тьма тоже распространяется со скоростью света.


Nother Smith
ЦитироватьУ меня 2я часть лецензия, 1я тоже, но не работает, 3я пиратка с отличным переводом.
2-я часть - "лицензия" от Нового Диска? Тогда сочувствую.
Там даже единственный хаммерит (в миссии с Доками) озвучен только на половину. Как только его разозлить, он тут же непринужденно переходит с русского на английский.
Про качество перевода фраз я вообще не говорю.
1-я часть - это что за лицензия такая? Нет и не было в природе никаких русских лицензий 1-го Вора.
А то, что не работает - так посмотри наш технический FAQ на сайте, там, вроде, все симптомы расписаны, и как с ними бороться. Или у тебя какой-то особо запущенный случай?
А вообще, я же говорю, просто распакуй архив со звуковыми файлами и слушай, что там гутарят, на здоровье...
Цитировать3я пиратка с отличным переводом
А подробнее? Что это за пиратка такая с отличным переводом?
ЦитироватьВопрос: Выходила ли Deadly Shadows от Нового диска и вообще лецензировалась?
Выходила пока только чисто английская версия. Сейчас Новый Диск в поте лица работает над этим (снабженный нашим готовым переводом). :lol:
DJ Riff
Вау! Вот это мессага! Молодец! :up:
Szybko, szybko, geht der ab!

Nother Smith

DJ Riff Огрномное спасибо!!!!
1я часть у меня полностью на русском и полностью озвучена русскими голосами,но работать перестала.
[Исправлено: Nother Smith, 16 июля 2007 0:33]
Клади камень на камень,
Складывай врага на врага,
Пока работа Строителя
Не будет завершена.

Ahimas Velde

Nother Smith
Это не лицензия 100%..


[off]Понятие качества, как всегда, подвело... Или подмена понятий. Некоторым людям достаточно русского текста и звука, чтобы заключить о диске, что он лицензия (лично знаком)...[/off]

Nother Smith

Да, я проверил 1я всё таки пиратка, но очень качественная, а 3я у меня от 8 BIT.
Клади камень на камень,
Складывай врага на врага,
Пока работа Строителя
Не будет завершена.

Nother Smith

Вопрос: Присудствовал ли Каррас в 1ой части? И как произошёл раскол между Хаммеритами и Механистами?:confused:
Клади камень на камень,
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Nother Smith
Конкретно имя брата Карраса в первой части не упоминается. Но в последней миссии 2-й части он вещает по радио Soulforge FM, что он был одним из тех, кто сделал Garrett'у механический глаз.
А раскол - ну, это банально - типа часть братии стремилась к техническому прогрессу, а Каррас их сплотил и возглавил, а остальные считали, что прогресс сиречь зло, и нет ничего лучше доброго старого молота.
Кстати, все это дело очень неплохо освещено в T2X (неофициальном аддоне).
Szybko, szybko, geht der ab!

Nother Smith

Кстати моя книга это скорее молитвослов Молотов. Я туда собираю все материалы( в основном молитвы) которые нахожу. Там одна притча и житие Св. Эдгара, а также маленький словарь хаммеритов.
Сам ничего не придумывал, всё взял из игр. Интересно, будет ли кому нибуть интересно?
Клади камень на камень,
Складывай врага на врага,
Пока работа Строителя
Не будет завершена.

Ahimas Velde

[off]Если вордовской проверкой орфографии обработать - тогда возможно))[/off]


Nother Smith всё хочу спросить, что значит слово покорал в твоей подписи?
[Исправлено: DimaS, 17 июля 2007 2:41]


DimaS, натер корой дуба до кровавого блеска... :cheesy:

Nother Smith

[Исправлено: Nother Smith, 8 нояб. 2007 10:51]
Клади камень на камень,
Складывай врага на врага,
Пока работа Строителя
Не будет завершена.

Nother Smith

Всё, дописал книгу. Как выложить её здесь в формате ворд?
Клади камень на камень,
Складывай врага на врага,
Пока работа Строителя
Не будет завершена.


Nother Smith Ты можешь выложить где угодно, хоть на FTP DJ Riff-а залить, а здесь кинуть ссылку.